Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Boysenberry Yogurt

This morning, Hayley took a bath in boysenberry yogurt. It made her skin feel very soft--it's something about the combination of probiotics and natural dye from the boysenberry juice. One would think that boysenberry juice would turn one's skin purplish, but it doesn't if you're Hayley. She's too awesome to turn purplish.

After her boysenberry bath, Daniel Day Lewis called Hayley to tell her how awesome he thought she is/was/will always be and begged her to play Ezra Pound in her play. She said she'd think about it, as she's also received similar phone calls from John Malkovich, Sean Penn, and strangely Melanie Griffiths. Obviously, Hayley told Melanie Griffiths that she wasn't right for the role, because she isn't poetic and he lips are too bee-stung. Hayley was, however, very complimentary about Ms. Griffith's role in the most recent film adaptation of Lolita. Hayley likes to give compliments, it's one of many reasons she's so awesome.

As soon as she'd finished discussing Ezra Pound with Daniel Day Lewis, Hayley bought a few bunches of red tulips, which she will eat for lunch. Eating red tulips is very good for one's heart. Not only do they promote vitality, but romance as well. And if there's one thing Hayley is awesome at, it's romance. More on that subject later.

To be continued...


  1. I know. It's all super true and awesome.

  2. Damn. I want to discuss Ezra Pound with DD-L. They both lived in Italy, you know. I'd discuss anything with DD-L though. Anything at all. You ARE awesome. And good.

  3. Thanks, Katherine Day Lewis. You are too!
